Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lentils with green tomato and chard

Pour two table spoons oil in the 5" oval pot
Dust with two teaspoons cumin powder.
Quarter teaspoon turmeric
Half a cup whole lentils soaked overnight in one and half cups of water.
Add one large clove garlic chopped fine (optional)
Half of a ginger chopped fine.
One spicy chillies chopped fine or to taste.
Three or four green tomatoes chopped small
Top with one large head of chard, kale, or collard cut in half inch strips and soaked to remove any grit.
Salt to taste.

Cook in the winter position for two hours starting early in the morning.
Mix, taste and add salt as needed. Mix throughly with a fist of cilantro chopped fine.
This is a complete meal, eat with bread, flour tortilla, or over rice.

I ended up with two bags of green tomatoes when I switched the garden over to beans last week. If you don't have green tomatoes use half as much regular tomatoes.