Sunday, March 16, 2008

Stir fry greens with marinated onions

One of the vendors J&M brings pre-washed arugula and other winter greens. They also bring ready to stir fry mixed young winter greens. These aren’t as young as the winter salad greens at the Chico market but ok for stir frying. But we solar cookers don't need to kill the food by stir frying it and vaporizing oil all over our kitchens to ruin our indoor air quality.

Place half a pound young greens in the 6” oval pot and place in the oven in the winter position with the reflector. Bake for one hour. Remove and let cool then cut chop roughly into bite sized portions.

Mix one lemon, equal parts white wine vinegar, one teaspoon sugar, half teaspoon salt, stiring until the sugar disolves. Add one fine chopped red onion turning occasionally for an hour. You can also use a white onion but marinade it overnight.

Combine greens and onions with two teaspoons of the marinade, drizzle a salad oil like sesame or walnut, and salt to taste.

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